Judge Mike McSpadden Scholarship


Mike McSpadden attended College High School in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. He was a die-hard University of Oklahoma alumnus (undergraduate and Juris Doctor degree), and his OU ring never left his finger.

Mike was the Big Eight Conference Tennis Singles Champion in 1964, 1965, and 1966. He was a member of the US Marine Corps and a Marine Corps tennis champion in 1970 and 1971. To Mike, tennis was not just a sport but a way to meet good people.

From 1982 to 2018, Mike was the Judge of the 209th Texas Criminal District Court in Houston, Texas. He was one of the highest rated criminal court judges in every Houston Bar Association Judicial Qualification Poll. He was also honored over the years by Crime Stoppers, Houston Police Officers’ Association, and Harris County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association.

Serving others in his community was an important part of Mike’s life. He mentored at-risk children at their schools and in his courtroom to influence them to become productive, law-abiding citizens. He also worked with nonprofits including the Foundation for Teen Health, Chuck Norris Kickstart Kids, and Sooners Helping Sooners.

Throughout his life, Mike cherished his family and his heritage. He inherited his love of tennis from his father, Ray McSpadden, who was inducted into the Oklahoma Tennis Hall of Fame in 2004, along with Mike’s uncles, Vance and Tom McSpadden.

Mike was a proud member of the Cherokee Nation and a descendant of Jesse Bushyhead, who led 1,200 Cherokees on the Trail of Tears.


The Oklahoma Tennis Foundation awards a $5,000.00 scholarship to a high school senior who will be entering college and who has participated in high school varsity tennis during the 2025-2026 school year. The scholarship is intended to assist with tuition and is NEED-BASED. Scholarship funds will be sent to the Bursar's office at designated university.

Applicants must provide:

1. Parent/Guardian tax return (page 1 and 2 of 1040 only)
2. Official Academic Transcript
3. Two letters of recommendation from counselors, coaches, teachers, etc., relating to leadership, dedication, integrity, teamwork, etc.
4. List of tennis history, extracurricular activities, community service, and job experience (if any)
5. A well-written paragraph (500 words)—“How Will This Scholarship Help You and Your family?”

Applications will open September 15, 2025, and the deadline is November 15, 2025.